COVID-19... here to stay or not?
· ☕ 2 min read
So, it seems like 2022 was just not my year… and 2023 can’t make it’s mind up yet. Putting aside the global histeria of COVID-19… it’s China’s fault but is it really? The outbreak started in Wuhan, China… but what about Italy? Was it a biological weapon used against China and Iran or just a new strain of the humble coronavirus that was first discovered in 1965? Who knows? I certainly don’t, and it really doesn’t seem to me like we will ever know the truth.

Moving to Hugo
· ☕ 1 min read
I’ve been contemplating for some time now on how to start actually doing something with this website, after having registered the domain name a couple of years ago now, throwing two different instances of Grav on the two different VPSs that have powered the website. However, for some reason, I just never really saw the point of maintaining the site - I was too busy with other things so never really got around to doing anything further.

New server, new grav
· ☕ 1 min read
Racknerd started warning me in mid December that they were shutting down their OpenVZ VPS services, and were offering to migrate to a better performing KVM VPS with the same storage specs, and at the same price point. Be silly of me to not say yes to a better performing VPS at the same price point no? Well, I migrated my docker-compose stack over to the new system, and with a